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Schlagwort: Andreas Giesbert

Kunst – und was dann?

Ein Gespräch zwischen Erik R. Andara, Andreas Giesbert, Reinhard Heil und Tobias Reckermann. Kunst entsteht nicht zufällig. Oder? Wenngleich in den Entstehungsprozess eines Werks wohl immer eine gewisse Zufälligkeit mit hinein spielt und sowohl Malerei als auch Schriftstellerei sogenannte aleatorische Verfahren kennen, die den Zufall gezielt in das Schaffen von…

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Louis Marvick: The Friendly Examiner (en)

I first encountered the name of Louis Marvick here on Nighttrain. In the IF Weird-magazine, which has unfortunately fallen somewhat into oblivion, there was (and is) not only the first German translation of a Marvick text, but also an overview of his work. This is owed to Martin Ruf, who…

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Louis Marvick: The Friendly Examiner

Der Name Louis Marvick begegnete mir zum ersten Mal hier im Nighttrain. In der leider etwas in Vergessenheit geratenen IF Weird-Anthologie war (und ist) nicht nur die erste deutsche Übersetzung eines Marvick-Textes zu finden, sondern auch ein Überblickartikel über sein Werk. Dies ist allein Martin Ruf zu verdanken, der sich…

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Charles David: “The Way Things End”

Review of: Charles David: “The Way Things End” (Tartarus Press, 2019) Music is a unique carrier of mood. This is probably more true for the blues than for other genres of popular music. As Lightnin‘ Hopkins puts it: „Blues is a feeling.“ In contrast to many other popular music genres,…

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Blues Feels Like a Struggle to Me


The operator of the Nighttrain, Tobias Reckermann, and myself share not only an enthusiasm for Weird Fiction but also for Blues music. When Nighttrain author Erik R. Andara brought The Way Things End by Charles David (Tartarus Press 2019) to my attention, it was clear that this book deserved a place in the train compartment of this blog, as it also combines both passions. In addition to a review that is soon to follow, I took the opportunity to interview the author about his understanding of Blues music and its connection to speculative fiction.


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The Phantom of the Rail

The Railroad in American Song by Andreas Giesbert and Tobias Reckermann The following article was originally published in Cthulhu Libria Neo 2: Horror in Eisenbahnen, a German magazine on speculative fiction with a focus on horror literature. It is presented here in translation with minor changes. The article is by…

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